Global Step Summit 2017: Thriving on Chaos
The Global STEP Summit is a meeting of enterprising families connected to the most important research centres all over the world once every 3 years to share their experiences, discuss the best practices and enrich one another.
The event is organized by EMBA Director Gianluca Colombo.
The main topic of the Summit will be the turbulent global economic situation: Thriving on Chaos, with interesting information on how family businesses cope with economic trends, innovation and social changes. Enterprising families come from all over the world giving the chance to gain regional insights.
The Global STEP Summit is sponsored by the Association of Family Businesses Ticino (AIF Ticino) that counts around 80 family businesses in the region and fosters the interests of this economic group by supporting family values.
Where: USI
When: The event starts on the 8th November 2017 and the first day is only for STEP Board Members.
On the 9th of November 2017, the event opens for STEP Academics.
The 10th and the 11th of November are Family Business Days.
During the last day (11th of November) some hours are open to the general public and will see a broader participation.
Don’t miss the event!