When: 27th July , 18:00
What: Networking Aperitivo
Meeting Point: Il Litorale, USI, Piazza S. Rocco 3, 6900 Lugano
An antecedent of the modern aperitif was already consumed in ancient Rome, the mulsum based on wine and honey.
The etymology of the term leaves no doubt: it is defined aperitivo, from the Latin aperitivus (which opens), a drink able to stimulate and, therefore, “open” the feeling of hunger.
We want to open your hunger for knowledge: USI EMBA gives you the right tools to take your career to the next level.
This is the perfect opportunity to get a tailor-made mentoring, to learn more about the master, application requirements, and details regarding financial aid and scholarships.
In today’s world, entrepreneurs and executives must face two new factors that affect political and economic environments, alter social relations and deeply impact businesses, their operations and their processes:
Digital Revolution: The advent of big data, machine learning, and new technologies require new organizational approaches and competencies.
Sustainability: The need to create and maintain a sustainable society for future generations must be an integral part of a successful business strategy.
1 course per month
3 days:
1 day self-learning
2 days Saturday and Sunday, in Lugano
Core courses will be integrated with a digital and sustainable part, aimed at understanding how these trends influence each function in the organization, and generally the impact on a business strategy.
Core Courses:
Organizational Behavior and Leadership
Business Analytics
Financial Performance Measurements and their use
Digital Marketing
Human Resources Management
Digital Transformation
Operations Management
Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship
Advanced courses:
2, chosen by the class, among:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) And Machine Learning (Ml) For Business
Leading and Organizing Digital Transformation
Risk and Governance For The Digital Age
Sustainability Management
Valuing the Intangibles
Leadership and Corporate Accountability
Book your place: emba@usi.ch