The need to create and maintain a sustainable society for future generations must be an integral part of a successful business strategy, but also of a corporate culture.
Our new EMBA10 program will be renewed on two keys trends: Digital Transformation and Sustainability.
EMBA and Università della Svizzera italiana are dedicated to maintain a sustainable campus, thanks to some measures:
- the introduction of sustainability criteria in daily management and purchases;
- sensitization of the administrative community, professors, and students;
- USI’s orientation towards a model of sustainability.
We try not to waste natural resources, in particular paper: our first step is to delete the hard-bound thesis copies , and to ask our candidates only for PDF version.
The delivery of lessons also changed: 1 day is asynchronous, with videos, case studies and hands-on exercises.
In-campus activities will be concentrated on Saturday and Sunday, ensuring great flexibility, efficiency and sustainability.